The Session Book
Jam Along With The Band!

The Kickoff Book
Build Your Repertoire!

The Jerry Book
Old and In The Way
Banjo Transcriptions

  1. Select the 'Add to Cart' button under any video on the site for which you'd like to purchase the TAB.
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    (TAB will be sent to the email address listed on your PayPal account. If you do not receive your tab within thirty minutes of purchase check your spam folder. Please contact me directly with any questions or concerns regarding your order.)

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Scale Harmony – “Double-Stops”

August 29th, 2010

There is really no big mystery to “partial chord shapes” or “double-stops” if you prefer that name. It all boils down to harmony or scale harmony to be more specific.

In Bluegrass the most common use of double-stops (as I like to think of them) happen on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd strings and use open strings in order to get things rolling. There are no rules of course so you can play them on whatever string combinations you like.

To familiarize yourself with the shapes all you need to do is chose a key, pick a couple of stings and walk up and down harmonized scale intervals. Throw in some open string drones, a picking pattern and you’re off to the races.

I threw together some examples of various patterns to give you an idea of some possibilities. 

Here is the free PDF for download.

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